Chianti senese archaeological Museum

The Atrium greets visitors with a multimedia, with films and photographs which introduce historical themes of the Museum. Shows also archaeological research methodologies and tools,that you can experiment with the guidance of experts in the adjacent archaeological laboratories.
You can continue your visit with the help of special guide, which allows you to choose between different routes, based on their own cultural interests or available time. Are prepared even courses dedicated to children.
The upper floor has four exhibition halls; the collections document different stages of historical development of Chianti:
The exhibits come from the archaeological excavations carried out in the area of Castellina in Chianti, that in neighbouring areas, such as the necropolis of the Poggione in Castelnuovo Berardenga, Gaiole in Chianti etc.

The room I has the copper age period and bronze age (XIX centuries b.c.), when the population was devoted to sheep farming; Ceramic objects and tools for the processing of milk and wool spinning, found in the excavations of Poggio la Croce
The sala II presents the finds of Etruscan tombs of VII-VI century BC as the mound of Montecalvario, the necropolis of Poggino necropolis in the area and others. 
Room III documents the historical period from the fourth to the third century BC, that were built high places the first fortified urban settlements. The collection of artefacts, from the excavations of Cematura there and Poggio La Croce, includes objects and tools for everyday tasks and for craftsmanship.
Room IV is entirely dedicated to the history and artifacts of the mound of Montecalvario, the four etruscan tombs, known since the 16th century, which were excavated in the early 20th century .