In Origin was known as Fisterinne and we find it mentioned with this name, for the first time in a paper of Badia a Coltibuono dating back to 1033; In that document, signed in the castle Montegrossi were defined the boundaries with San Donato in Perano.
The villa, situated in the Chianti region, was built in the sixteenth century style although the actual look is a result of the project realized between 1914 and 1919 by the architect Ludovico Fortini.
In the park there is a chapel dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene de ‘Pazzi;the chapel has the date 1584 on the lintel and the inscription: “D.O.M. TM MAGDALENA DE Pazzis OF A.D. MDLXXXIV “. The chapel was also used as a private burial ground by the Sonnino family.